Some facts about me
This project started in 2019 by a software engineer who had an intent to share with community his thoughts about technology. Over time this engineer, Ruslan Pereselkov, known by his nickname Ruslan Dev, has gained a curious audience and a wast knowledge base of open educational materials in Software Development, Generative AI, and Cloud Computing. Numerous guidelines, tutorials, articles, and videos on these topics have been published. These assets of hands-on knowledge, accumulated through years of experience, serve a number of goals:
- IT people and businesses who are new to the field are getting valuable insights from these assets to facilitate their technical solutions;
- We encourage discussions among our audience and provide informational support to learners.
- Providers of IT infrastructure, such as cloud computing platforms, use these materials to educate and onboard their clients;
- We work in partnership with cloud providers to create more educational content focused on the usage of their platforms, specifically in the field of AI. Our partners benefit from this through increasing sales and attracting new clients to their platforms through our educational channels. The users of cloud solutions gain better understanding of tools and techniques used in the industry of AI/ML to develop modern applications.
- Our knowledge base influence open-source software, including our in-house projects: using this knowledge, we create and maintain open-source tools for AI/ML industry.
- We created Large Language Models and datasets aiming to overcome certain challenges of Generative AI, such as limited multilingual capabilities. More on this topic you can find in our blog. Our best LLM has got >30,000 downloads on HuggingFace, it is featured on Featherless.AI platform.
A few words about people making this project up and running:
Ruslan Pereselkov is the Head of the project, the main creator of educational materials, researcher, and open-source contributor.
We are proud to mention and say thank you to contributors, guests and developers involved in the project.
Last but not least, we appreciate our wast and growing audience of learners, researchers and engineers.